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Garden Club Tour Group

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crazy thief322
crazy thief322

I recently used to translate PDF documents into Spanish, and I can share my experience. First of all, I will say that the service is really quite easy to use - you just upload the file and wait for the result. But, like you, I was initially worried about the quality of the translation. In particular, I was translating an instruction manual for a technical device, and some terms were not translated very well. For example, the word “driver” was translated as “driver”, which is completely inappropriate in the context of the device. This was quite unexpected, and I had to do some editing. So, if you plan to translate technical documents, be sure to check all key terms after translation to avoid misunderstandings. I even made a list of specific words beforehand and checked them against the result, which helped a lot. As for formatting, there are challenges here too. Some elements, such as tables and images, were misaligned after translation, and I had to manually proofread the document to get everything back in place. If you have a lot of graphic elements in your PDF, be prepared to spend time restoring them. In summary, I think may be fine for quick and easy translations, but if you have an important document where accuracy is critical, it's better to go to a professional translator. This will help you avoid a lot of problems with incorrect terms or formatting.

Duke Evan
Duke Evan
12 hours ago

Thank you for sharing your experience. I have also used Translate, but only for short texts. In principle, everything has been fine so far, but your tips on how to improve translation are very relevant.

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